PHOTOS orbitafreefly The road to the HU Record is not an easy one, but Vertical Sequential World Record 4-point 64-way J Día uno de los intentos de récord. Mucho más di Nothing but smiles when we’re in the sky Arizona Sector camp. What a great event this was! Un gran fin de semana en @skydivespaceland_houston Back on Big way mode, @plomerodelaton playing with Órbita ft. @joshruizvelasco 🔥🔥🔥 by @ffra Before . . . . . . . . #freefly #skydiving #flyi Full sends with @andubs #freefly #orbitafreeflysch Visitando viejos amigos y haciendo nuevos. #fly4li Those who find they're touched by madness Sit down A bit of wingsuit #freefly with @mancinoroberta Ci Back when holding hands was safe #freeflyworldreco Proof that Mike Bohn can smile. #freefly #orbitafr Lookey lookey, 10-spot. #orbitafreefly #freefly #v Like the deserts miss the rain Load More... Follow on Instagram